Makajawan 2024


SKU: MSR2024 Category:


Troop 28 will be camping at Ma-ka-ja-wan Scout Reservation's East Camp during Week 5, a troop tradition.  This year, we will be at MSR from Sunday July 21st to Saturday July 27th.  Cars will leave Glencoe/Winnetka Sunday morning, arriving at camp in the early afternoon for check-in, and will return to Glencoe/Winnetka mid-afternoon on Saturday.

Please review the East Camp Merit Badge schedule in advance. Note: merit badge class capacity may still be limited due to post-COVID staffing issues, so do not delay.  To pay by Zelle and save the credit card processing fee, please use the discount code zellemsr2024 at checkout.

NOTE: Early bird pricing has ended as of May 2, 2022. NEIC will continue to accept Week 5 scouts at the regular rate (incorporated in the troop fee) through May and June.