Congratulations! You’re (Almost) An Eagle!…Now What?

Tips for planning an Eagle Court of Honor and more

Congratulations! You’ve passed your Eagle Board of Review. You are officially an Eagle Scout as of the date of the Board of Review.

In the meantime, even before you have completed your Board of Review, you and your family may wish to begin planning your Eagle Court of Honor. You should keep in mind both the Court of Honor ceremony and guests, as well as the “gear” that is presented.  If you are sharing an Eagle Court of Honor with other scouts, please coordinate with other families so that all new Eagles can be celebrated equally.

What happens next?
  • Please make sure that you deliver a physical copy of your Eagle Project Binder to the Scoutmaster for our archives and to inspire future generations of scouts! If an electronic copy is available, please also send a copy by email to the Scoutmaster.
  • Within a week or so of your Board of Review, the Council/BSA will update your Scoutbook record to reflect your Eagle rank. Once this is done, you are officially, official in the BSA records.
  • Shortly thereafter, you should receive a congratulatory letter at your home. This typically takes a few weeks.
  • Once all your paperwork has been received and processed at BSA national, your Eagle certificate will be delivered to the NEIC offices.  This typically takes 6-8 weeks and can be picked up by the Troop Advancement Chair or other troop parent or representative.
Eagle Gear

The Troop will help coordinate pick-up of the Eagle Certificate and…

Purchase an Eagle Award kit (Eagle rank patch, medal and pins) on your behalf.  This kit includes pins for two Eagle parents and one mentor pin.
Order an engraved name plate to be added to the Eagle Scout recognition plaque in the troop room.
Purchase and present an Eagle neckerchief, slide, and graduation cords.
The Troop will request Eagle walking sticks which are a gift from the  Potawatomi District of NEIC.  These are lovely, hand-crafted walking sticks created by a local volunteer and presented at the Eagle Court of Honor. There is no charge for these, but they should be requested in advance.  Please indicate if you would like a standard 6-foot stick, or a taller or shorter one (shortest is about 5-foot in length).

The troop will invite the Eagle scout walking stick carver to present the carving sticks and represent Potawatomi District.

In addition, your family may wish to:

Request a flag which has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, you can do so via our Congressional delegation. The lead-time for requests is usually 6-8 weeks, but requests were paused during the coronavirus state of emergency. Please check Sen. Durbin’s, Sen. Tammy Duckworth’s, or Rep. Brad Schneider’s office for the latest information.

You may purchase a flag case from the Scout Shop or from any source you prefer. If the Capitol flag is not yet available as of the date of your Court of Honor, the troop has some flags that can be used for the ceremony.

Purchase and present additional Eagle Mentor Pins to Eagle Project sponsors, Scoutmasters, and other significant mentor(s) — available in gold-tone or sterling silver. Most Troop 28 Eagles have chosen the less expensive gold-tone pins.

The first pin is included in the Eagle kit (with the patch and pin) and additional pins are available online or at the NEIC shop or we have a small supply in the troop shop.

Choose any optional decorations or refreshments.  The Grand will create custom cakes and cookies, and the Scout Shop carries Eagle-themed balloons, tablecloths, centerpieces, garland, and disposable dinnerware. The troop has a small collection of decorations from past Eagle Courts of Honor, stored in the troop room storage area.

Additionally, your family may wish to purchase Eagle gift items at the BSA’s (many of these are not available for online delivery but can be purchased or ordered from the NEIC Scout Shop). Please call (847.748.9160) or email ahead to confirm availability.

Scout and Family Decisions in Planning the Eagle Court of Honor

There are many choices involved in planning a Court of Honor. If sharing an Eagle Court of Honor, please coordinate with the other scouts and families as many have looked forward to this day for many years! Some things you might want to do:

  • Prepare Eagle remarks summarizing your project, thanking any key family, mentors, and peers, and/or talking about your journey to Eagle.
  • Choose an emcee. If there is a scout who you would particularly like to lead the service, let us know. Otherwise, the troop will request a volunteer.
  • Invite any Eagle scout mentors or project sponsors — these could be from the Eagle project sponsoring organization, current and former troop leadership, or others who have helped along the way.  Let them know if they are expected to make any remarks.
  • Invite family and friends (please let the troop organizers know if you have family that are would like to attend remotely via Zoom or YouTube; not all ceremonies can be streamed, but we can try if we know in advance).
  • Let the troop know if you know of any Eagles who will be in attendance so we can acknowledge them. Traditionally all Eagles present are asked to stand and recite the Eagle Scout Pledge.
  • Create a slide montage or Eagle Scout gallery of scouting memorabilia.  Here are some examples a past gallery:

You can also refer to several great online resources for additional suggestions:

Past Troop 28 Eagle Court of Honor Scripts are available on the Troop 28 Shared Google Drive. Please reach out to the troop Webmaster for login information and permissions.

Continuing in Scouting, Scholarships, and More

We know Eagles are busy, capable teens but it’s great for younger Scouts to see you remain engaged with the troop. We encourage you to take on a formal position of responsibility, like the Outdoor Ethics Guide or an Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, and continue to have fun by attending meetings and campouts, leading a service project, or earning Eagle Palms.

You can earn an additional Palm for every 5 additional merit badges (over the number required to achieve Eagle) and 6 months you remain active as a scout. Scouts who have completed an extra five badges BEFORE their Eagle Board of Review can earn the Palm(s) and Eagle rank simultaneusly

In addition, there are many scholarships available for Eagle Scouts, including some for scouts who have earned Eagle and other scouting awards (e.g., religious emblems, conservation and NOVA awards). Eagle Scouts also enjoy advantageous pay and rank in the United States armed forces.

You can join the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) to meet and learn from fellow Eagle Scouts.