Scoutbook 101 for Troop 28 Parents

What is Scoutbook and why do I care?

Scoutbook is the BSA national online portal for tracking scout activity. This is where all rank advancement and merit badges are record and syncs with the official BSA behind-the-scenes records. Troop 28 also uses this system to maintain the troop calendar and to track troop service project hours, attendance, camping nights and awards like Cyber Chip and Totin’ Chip. Scouts and families can also optionally use the system to track personal service hours or in-progress merit badges and rank activities.

How do I get a logon to Scoutbook?

If you have taken Youth Protection Training, or if you registered your scout online, if the troop created a parent record for you, or possibly even if you just included your email address on your scout’s paper application, you may already have a BSA/ account. Go to and log in using your username and password. If you do not recall your username or password you can use the Forgot Username/Password option and enter the email you used to register.

If you do not recall which email address you used, please contact the Advancement Chair to find out which email is associated with your account. If you no longer have access to the email account currently in the system, the Advancement Chair may be able to update the primary email address in your Scoutbook parent profile.

Note: the Advancement Chair cannot tell you your username or reset your password.

How do I verify my scout's advancement?

Please see the Scoutbook for Scouts and Parents instructions for verifying advancement before a Court of Honor and/or or printing an Advancement Report.

How do I delegate access for my kids?

Please see the Scoutbook for Scouts and Parents instructions.

There is an error in my (scout's) Advancement record; what do I do?

Please contact the troop Advancement Chair. Depending on the error, you may be able to fix it, it may require a troop Scoutbook administrator, or it may require Council intervention.

What do I do if I am logged in to my parent account but cannot see my scout's record?

Please contact the troop Advancement Chair. The most likely cause is that you have multiple parent accounts. This typically requires Council intervention to merge the records. In the meantime, the Advancement Chair may be able to connect your second parent account with your scout(s).

Coming soon

If I/my scout tracks advancement in Scoutbook, do they still need to get requirements signed in their Scout Handbook?
Where do I find my Camping Nights?
How do I run a BSA Advancement Report?
Where do I find my BSA number?
How do I connect with a merit badge counselor in Scoutbook?
Can I use Scoutbook to track interim advancement?