Youth Leadership

Troop 28 is a scout-led troop. The troop elects a Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leaders who serve on the Patrol Leader’s Council along with the Troop Scribe.  The PLC is responsible for planning and leading troop meetings, and works with the troop’s adult leaders to plan campouts and outings. Scouts also may be appointed to additional positions of responsibility to help run the troop behind the scenes. Scouts working on Star, Life, and Eagle ranks are required to serve in a position of responsibility for at least 4-6 months for each rank (note: Assistant Patrol Leader does NOT qualify towards the rank requirements).

A Boy Scout troop’s goal is to be a small democracy; a high performance, self-led team that achieves the goals of the Troop. With the Scoutmaster’s direction, the boys are formed into patrols, plan the troop’s program, and make it a reality. In order for that to happen, a troop relies upon Scouts serving in positions of responsibility. The key boy leaders of the troop make up the Patrol Leaders’ ­council. They are the senior patrol leader, assistant ­senior patrol leader, patrol leaders, and troop guides of any new-Scout patrols.

Scoutmaster’s Handbook – Chapter 3 “The Boy Led Troop” 2010 Printing (with slight edits)

The Guide to Advancement groups all youth positions under the title “positions of responsibility.” Taking and accepting responsibility is a key foundation for leadership. One cannot lead effectively without it.  By the same token, one of the most important skills needed a effective leader of any team is the set of skills necessary to be an strong team member.

Troop 28 encourages scouts to take on increasing roles of responsibility throughout their scouting careers.  As in life, leadership offers the opportunity to make a higher impact and have greater learning, but also requires more effort and commitment.

Expectations for All Youth Leaders

  • Set a good example
  • Attend ILST (troop leadership training)
  • Be an active scout
  • Attend troop meetings & activities; Be on time
  • Communicate conflicts and get a replacement if you are unable to perform your duties
  • Wear your uniform correctly
  • Put forth your best effort

Elected Leadership Positions

Positions marked with an (*) are members of the Patrol Leader’s Council.

Role Description
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)*

The SPL is elected by Scouts to represent them as the top youth leader in the Troop.  He leads or asks other to lead all Troop meetings, events and activities.  He leads the PLC meeting and the annual Program Planning process and works with the Scoutmaster to appoint Scouts into appointed leadership positions.

The SPL is the most senior scout leader in the Troop – with the greatest responsibility and impact on the overall troop.

  • Lead or delegate the leading of all troop meetings, events and activities.
  • Lead the Annual Program Planning Process
  • Run PLC meetings
  • Assist Scoutmaster in the appointment of selected troop leadership roles
  • Assign duties and responsibilities to other youth leaders

Assist Scoutmaster and adult leadership with Troop Leader Training (ILST)

Assistant SPL  (ASPL)*

The ASPL is the 2nd highest-ranking youth leader in the Troop.  The ASPL acts as the SPL when called upon and also provides leadership and training to the appointed scouts in positions of responsibility.

The ASPL is the 2nd highest ranking scout leader in the Troop.  He acts as the SPL when called upon and provides leadership to other youth leaders in the troop.

  • Help the SPL and PLC members lead meetings and activities
  • Runs troop in the absence of the SPL
  • Serve as member of the Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC)

Helps train and supervise the Troop Scribe, Quartermaster, Instructor(s), Librarian, Historian, Chaplain’s Aide, OA Rep, Webmaster, Outdoor Ethics Guide and Bugler

Troop Guide*

The Troop Guide works with new Scouts to help them succeed and advance in the troop.  He teaches basic Scout skills and represents new Scouts needs on the PLC.

The Troop Guide works with new Scouts. He helps make their transition into the
troop fun and successful and helps them set goals so they can ideally advance to
First Class Rank within 12-18 months.

  • Introduce new Scouts to troop operations
  • Guides new Scouts through early Scouting activities
  • Teaches basic Scout skills and arranges for Instructors for other skills
  • Represents the New Scout Patrol at PLC
  • Counsels individual Scouts on scouting Challenges
Patrol Leader*

The Patrol Leader is elected by his patrol.  He ensure Scouts in his patrol are successful and have fun and represents his patrol on the PLC.

Each PL is the leader of his Patrol. He represents his patrol on the PLC and helps
his Patrol members advance, be successful and have fun.

  • Builds Patrol and troop spirit
  • Communicates Patrol needs and goals
  • Plans and steers Patrol activities and campout preparation
  • Helps Scouts in his Patrol advance and be successful
  • Keeps Patrol members organized and informed
Assistant Patrol Leader (APL)

The APL is elected by members of his patrol and leads the Patrol in the absence of the Patrol Leader.  The APL will attend the PLC if requested.  This role does NOT count for leadership requirements for Star, Life or Eagle Advancement.

Each APL helps the PL lead his Patrol and represents his Patrol on the PLC as
needed and when requested to by the PL, SPL or Scoutmaster.

  • Helps the PL plan and steers Patrol activities and campout preparation
  • Helps PL ensure scouts in the Patrol advance, be successful and have fun
  • Helps keep Patrol members organized and informed
  • Helps the PL build Patrol and troop spirit

 Appointed Positions of Responsibility

Role Description
Den Chief(s)

The Den Chiefs work with Pack 28 to help make the Pack successful and encourage Cub Scouts to join the Troop upon graduation.

The Den Chiefs work with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts and Adult Den & Pack leaders in the Cub Scout Pack to help make the Pack successful and recruit future
scouts for the troop.

  • Knows the purpose of Cub Scouting and helps the Cub Scouts have fun and
    successfully achieve the goals of the Dens and Pack
  • Help Cub Scouts learn about Scouting and important skills to encourage
    Cubs to join Troop upon graduation
  • Serve as activities assistant at selected Den or Pack Meetings or activities
  • Will meet as needed with Adult members of Dens, Pack and Troop

Instructors teach Scouting Skills to other scouts.

The Instructor teaches core scouting skills related to First Aid, Knots, Camping, Cooking and other topics as needed.

  • Proficient in key Scouting Skills from Tenderfoot through First Class
  • Interested and highly skilled at teaching more junior scouts and making
    the learning process fun
  • Plans, assists and delivers instruction on outings and at Troop Meetings

The Scribe keeps troop meeting records of attendance, action items and decisions.

The Troop Scribe keeps the records of Troop Meetings. This role works closely with Troop Historian and Troop Webmaster.

  • Attends and keeps a log of attendance at Troop and PLC Meetings
  • Records log of decision made and key action items at meetings
  • Ensures attendance, activities and action items log are shared with
    Webmaster and Historian as needed

The Quartermaster keeps track of Troop equipment and ensures it is organized, returned and kept in good working order and repaired or replaced as needed.

The Quartermaster works with the adult Equipment Coordinator to ensure that Troop and Patrol Equipment is organized and in good working order.

  • Creates and maintains records on Patrol and Troop Equipment
  • Performs repairs as needed
  • Issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition
  • Makes suggestions for new or replacement items
  • Secures flags for meetings and ceremonies and puts them away

The Historian organizes and preserves Troop photographs, news, and memorabilia.

The Troop Historian captures, organizes and displays records key troop information and records of Troop and Scout Activities. This role works closely with Troop Librarian, Troop Scribe and Troop Webmaster.

  • Gathers, organizes and displays pictures and facts about past troop
    activities and makes them available to other Troop members
  • Provide pictures and descriptions of Troop outings, meetings and Projects
    with assistance of the Troop Scribe to the Adult and Troop Webmaster
  • Creates video presentations for Troop meetings and events such as COH
  • Keeps information about former members and leaders of the troop

The Librarian organizes and maintains the Troop library including merit badge pamphlets.

The Troop Librarian takes care of written Troop literature and documents in the Troop Library. This role works closely with Troop Historian, Troop Scribe and Troop Webmaster.

  • Organizes and takes care of Troop Library; adding new or replacement
    items as needed.
  • Keeps records of Books and pamphlets owned by troop and communicates
    that to overall troop.
  • Run system for checking books and pamphlets in and out. Follow up on

Works with the adult Webmaster to manage the Troop’s website

The Troop Webmaster works with the Adult Troop Committee Webmaster to take responsibility for maintaining and updating the Troop’s website.

  • Gathers and creates information as required along with Troop Scribe,
    Troop Historian or other Troop or adult leaders
  • Helps update and maintain the Troop Website as needed
  • Ensures the Troop website is as youth-run as possible
Chaplain’s Aide

The Chaplain’s Aide leads and coordinates efforts with local religious organizations and ensures religious needs of scouts are being met.

The Chaplain’s Aide works with the Chartered Organization and helps the Troop work effectively with local religious organizations.

  • Leader of Scout Sunday Activities
  • Ensures religious and educational holidays are considered during troop program planning
  • Suggest, plan and coordinate projects with St. Elisabeth’s and other local religious organizations
  • Tells Scouts about the religious emblem program for their faith
  • Helps plan for religious observance in selected troop activities such as COH
OA Representative


The Order of the Arrow Representative serves as the Youth Liaison to the local OA Lodge to lead and organize service projects and encourage OA membership.

The OA Troop Representative works with the Adult Order of the Arrow Advisor as the youth liaison to the local OA lodge.

  • Serves as communication link between OA lodge/chapter and Troop
  • Coordinates OA service events, elections and inductions for the Troop
  • Encourages Arrowmen in Troop to be active Lodge and Troop members
    and participate in Lodge and Troop Service Projects
  • Encourages Arrowmen in Troop to become Brotherhood members
Outdoor Ethics Guide

The Outdoor Ethics Guide works to advance the Leave No Trace Program within the Troop.


The Outdoor Ethics Guides teaches Troop and Patrol members the principles of Leave No Trace and helps improve Scouts’ outdoor ethics decision-making skills.

  • Helps minimize the impact on environment by teaching and helping the
    troop practice the principles of Leave No Trace
  • Help Scouts earn the Leave No Trace award

The Bugler (optional) makes appropriate Bugle calls, during Troop activities.


The Bugler is an optional role that helps the Troop leadership increase morale and organization at troop activities

  • Makes appropriate bugle calls, as requested, at troop activities
Junior Asst Scoutmaster

The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster must be 16+ years old and serves as a Youth Assistant Scoutmaster to help the Scoutmasters on selected activities and projects.


The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster role is an optional role (for a Scout that is at least
16 years of age) who may be appointed by the Scoutmaster with input from the SPL. The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster serves in the capacity of an Assistant Scoutmaster except where legal age is required.

  • Functions as an Assistant Scoutmaster and helps Troop Leaders
  • Performs Duties and Projects as assigned by the Scoutmaster